Sunday, February 16, 2025

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes is an Idaho Springs faith-based food bank. The Lions club has supported them for many years.

This year the Lions Club decided to increase their support, by organizing a donation drive once a month, in front of the grocery store in town. The idea would be to encourage people shopping at the store to buy something extra to donate to Loaves & Fishes.

The first event was on February 16, 2025. It was very successful, as several boxes of food were donated.

Both organization got some very good publicity, as well.

Lion Bob and Rachel Jocelyn, executive Director of Loaves & Fishes:

Bob and Rachel with Lion Annie:

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Recycling Eyeglasses

Lions Club International has a program to recycle used eyeglasses all over the world. The Idaho Springs Club collects used eyeglass at businesses all over town, plus from the lost-and-founds from several nearby casinos.

On Thursday, members of the club met to sort the eyeglasses into groups or Prescription glasses, Reading glasses, and sSnglasses,

Lions Eric, Bob, Jim, and Mike (with family member Sarah):

Lions Eric, Bob, Jim, and Annie-- with Sarah:


On Saturday, three Lions took the eyeglasses into Denver to help the district sort and consolidate eyeglass from many of the clubs in District 6C.

Lion Annie:

Lions Bob and Eric:

Thursday, September 19, 2024

District Governor Visit

 District Governor Willa Townsend visited our club at our September 19 meeting.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

KidSight Vision Screening

 The Lions Club screens vision for almost 300 preschool and kindergarten children across four counties west of Denver, Colorado.

Lions Annie and Mike:

Lion Annie:

Lions Mike and Jim:

Lions Annie, Jim, and Eric - Screening at Georgetown Community School

Lions Eric, Jim, and Annie with School Nurse Emily - Screening at Carlson Elementary School

...and at King-Murphy Elementary School

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lions Annual Picnic

 The Lions held their Annual Picnic at Courtney-Riley-Cooper city park on August 29.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Each year, the lions Club presents a scholarship to a graduating senior at our local Clear Creek High School.

Lions Annie and Jeff presented the award:

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

KidSight Vision Screening

We screen several hundred preschoolers' vision at various public and private schools over four counties in Colorado.

At one school we worked jointly with the Nederland Lions Club:

Screening the smallest children can be the most challenging: